Christmas Donations

In lieu of the traditional corporate Christmas gift, this year donations have been made to Field of Dreams, Autism Ireland, and The Irish Guide Dogs. We feel the best gift we can give is the gift of helping others and we thought that these charities would be a great choice.

Field of Dreams

We recently visited the 3 acre Down Syndrome Cork, Field of Dreams site in Curraheen. Where we met with Debbie Kelleher, Manager and Care Coordinator and Nicky Green, Horticulturalist who gave us a tour of the grounds and a background to the Charity.

The Field of Dreams is a social farming program, with a training room, commercial grade kitchen with accompanying cafe, 2 polytunnels, market garden, sensory garden, remembrance garden, orchard, covered courtyard, recreational areas and a fruit garden which is currently under construction.

The programme is focused on getting adults with Down syndrome placed in meaningful employment. Currently there are 8 attendees on the QQI Level 3 Life and Work-skills Programme hosted at this inspirational training environment.

Other programmes at the Field of Dreams include the Activation Programme – a one year programme. This is hosted 1 day each week and focuses on harvesting produce from the farm, cookery and Arts and Crafts.

If you want to get involved as a Supporter, Volunteer or as a Business offering Work Contact Sharon at