ISO 14000 is the name given to a group of standards which map out a framework that organizations or companies should follow to set up an effective Environmental Management System.
ISO 14001 is the cornerstone standard of the ISO 14000 series.
It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party.

Why get ISO 14001 Certification

More and more Irish companies are gaining ISO 14001 certification in Environmental Management Systems so as to increase their international market competitiveness.
Benefits of ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard
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  • More efficient use of energy and resources
  • Reduced waste outputs
  • Provides organization with the mandate to control their environmental aspects and impacts
  • Reduces risk of prosecution and probability of insurance claims
  • Assist with relationships with local government
  • Employees benefit from increased environmental knowledge and resulting motivation
  • Improved external supplier relationships


Did you know?

Grants are available to help Irish companies who export gain international accreditations. Chris Mee Group has successfully assisted a number of companies secure grant support and implement management systems to gain ISO certification.

For more information on ISO 14001 accreditation please click here or visit the ISO Website

Written by Toni O’Sullivan